Category: Parent News
Here are some announcements for FPA Parents.
Vaccination – Grade 11
Vaccination – Grade 8 Girls
KG2 Healthy Eating Day
Dear KG 2 parents,
The children will celebrate eating well and being healthy on Friday 6th October. If possible could you please dress your child either as their favourite fruit or vegetable or the in the colour of this. There will be a ‘Show and Tell’ activity to share with their class. This will be a fun and educational day.
Best wishes,
Dear Parents,
I hope you are well. In order to complete Ministry of Education registration for your child we need their original ID card in order to input their information into the MOE system. I am requesting that these cards are left in an envelope with your child’s name on with security at the main gate and we will aim to return these as quickly as possible after submission. In order to be compliant with the procedures we will need these Monday 25th September as there is a deadline on updating on the system. Thanking your for your assistance.
Best wishes,
Dear Parents,
As most of our community have now arrived back after the summer holiday may I remind you that the school hours on Friday are 07.45-11.50 am. The only exception being those students who reside in Khorfakkan and Kalba. We regret all other students will not be released before that time. In seniors, classes will finish at 11.50 am and in middle school and primary there will be classes and activities until 11.50 also. All students are collected from their normal gates and not from administration.
Thanking you for your assistance with this.
Best wishes,
Jan Brettingham
Dear Parents,
The school day starts at the usual time on Friday 1st September of 07.45 and finishes at 11.50 am. Students who live in Sharjah will have an earlier prayer time and they may leave at 11.20 am if they have difficulty in reaching their homes in time for prayers. I ask that parents from Sharjah requiring an early dismissal from school telephone the school office Ms Shadia/Ms Hanan on 050 434 5358 so we can list students leaving for the safety of the children and inform teachers of who is leaving.
Any concerns please contact Ms Hanan in the school office.
Best wishes, Principal