Reception (KG2) Sports Day

Dear Reception (KG2) Parents,

We would like to invite you to the Reception (KG2) Sports Morning on Tuesday 30th January 08.15 -09.30 in the Infant playground. Please come along and support your children. After the sports event the children will have a normal morning in school.

Could I ask parents to leave the children with their teachers as usual and then you will be guided to the sports are? We will create a seating area for parents who need to wait. This allows staff to set up the playground and organise the children more easily. A reminder that parents may photograph their own children only, for safeguarding reasons. Do not photograph staff or other adults without their permission. These are the E safety protocols of the school. Thank you for your co-operation. The Reception (KG2) team look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.

If you have any questions on this kindly ask Ms Nicola Mackenzie Primary Deputy Headteacher or Ms Hanan in the school office.


Jan Brettingham


Senior Sports Day

Dear Senior Section Parents,

We would like to invite you to the Senior Section Sports Morning on Thursday 25th January 08.10-09.30. As always in this school, sports for girls and boys are segregated. Girls will be in the Multipurpose Hall. The boys will be on the senior basketball court and the football pitch. There will a mother’s event in the multipurpose hall which will take place in a female only zone. A father’s event is on the football pitch. Please join us for these and also come along and support your children. After the sports event the students will have a normal day in school.

Could I ask parents to enter school and move to a seating area on the shaded terrace of Seniors if supporting boys and to the Multipurpose Hall foyer if supporting girls. Ladies may we politely request no shoes with heels because the rubberised floor becomes damaged. Even better come in wearing trainers ready for the mothers event! A reminder that parents may photograph their own children only, for safeguarding reasons. Do not photograph staff or other adults without their permission. These are the E safety protocols of the school. Thank you for your co-operation. The Senior Section team look forward to seeing you on Thursday 25th January.

If you have any questions on this kindly ask Ms Lisa or Ms Jonine Deputy Headteacher’s in Seniors or Ms Hanan in the school office.


Jan Brettingham


Grade 4 E Safety Presentation

Dear Grade 4 Parents,

We would like to invite you to the Grade 4 to join your child in the E Safety presentation on Thursday January 25th 08.30-09.45. Parents enter and exit via Primary entrance. Use carpark in Primary enter through the Primary gate and our staff will direct you to the location. Please come along and support your children. After the presentation the children will have a normal morning in school.

A reminder that parents may photograph their own children only, for safeguarding reasons. Do not photograph staff or other adults without their permission. These are the E safety protocols of the school. Thank you for your co-operation.

The Grade 4 team look forward to seeing you on Thursday.

If you have any questions on this kindly ask Ms Nicola Kelly Primary Headteacher or Ms Hanan in the school office.


Jan Brettingham


Grade 5 E Safety Presentation

Dear Grade 5 Parents,

We would like to invite you to the Grade 5 to join your child in the E Safety presentation on Wednesday 24th January 08.30-09.45. Parents enter and exit via Primary entrance. Use carpark in Primary enter through the Primary gate and our staff will direct you to the location. Please come along and support your children. After the presentation the children will have a normal morning in school.

A reminder that parents may photograph their own children only, for safeguarding reasons. Do not photograph staff or other adults without their permission. These are the E safety protocols of the school. Thank you for your co-operation.

The Grade 5 team look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.

If you have any questions on this kindly ask Ms Nicola Kelly Primary Headteacher or Ms Hanan in the school office.


Jan Brettingham


Grade 1 E Safety Presentation

Dear Grade 1 Parents,

We would like to invite you to the Grade 1 to join your child in the E Safety presentation on Tuesday January 23rd 08.30-09.45. Parents enter and exit via Primary entrance. Use carpark in Primary enter through the Primary gate and our staff will direct you to the location. Please come along and support your children. After the presentation the children will have a normal morning in school.

A reminder that parents may photograph their own children only, for safeguarding reasons. Do not photograph staff or other adults without their permission. These are the E safety protocols of the school. Thank you for your co-operation.

The Grade 1  team look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.

If you have any questions on this kindly ask Ms Nicola Kelly Primary Headteacher or Ms Hanan in the school office.


Jan Brettingham


Sports Day Grade 1 & 2

Dear Grade, 1,2 Parents,

We would like to invite you to the Grade 1, 2 Sports Morning on Monday January 22nd 08.10-09.30. Parents enter and exit via Primary entrance . Use carpark in Primary enter through the Primary gate and our staff will direct you to the location. Please come along and support your children. After the sports event the children will have a normal morning in school.

A reminder that parents may photograph their own children only, for safeguarding reasons. Do not photograph staff or other adults without their permission. These are the E safety protocols of the school. Thank you for your co-operation. The Grade 1 & 2 team look forward to seeing you on Monday.

If you have any questions on this kindly ask Ms Nicola Kelly Primary Headteacher or Ms Hanan in the school office.


Jan Brettingham


Parents Meeting Grade 2 & Grade 3


We wish to inform you that we will be holding Parent-Teacher Meetings in the week starting Tuesday 23rd January and Wednesday 24th 2024.The appointments will be placed in the home schoolbook so please check this and we request you phone Ms Hanan in the school office if you are unable to attend.

Looking forward to meeting as many parents as possible.

Best wishes.

Jan Brettingham


Grade 3, 4 & 5 Sports Day

Dear Grade 3,4,5 Parents,

We would like to invite you to the Grade 3,4,5 Sports Morning on Thursday 18th January 08.10-09.30. Parents enter and exit via main school gate. Use carpark at main school entrance or park in Primary enter through the Primary gate and use the outside path to the pitches.  The football pitch for boys and basketball pitch for girls. They will rotate for activities but to designated boy only and girl only areas.

Please come along and support your children. After the sports event the children will have a normal morning in school.

A reminder that parents may photograph their own children only, for safeguarding reasons. Do not photograph staff or other adults without their permission. These are the E safety protocols of the school. Thank you for your co-operation. The Grade 3, 4 & 5 team look forward to seeing you on Thursday.

If you have any questions on this kindly ask Ms Nicola Kelly Primary Headteacher or Ms Hanan in the school office.


Jan Brettingham
