Category: Parent News
Here are some announcements for FPA Parents.
KG1 – G2 Ramadan Timing
Mid Term Break
Dear Parents,
As per the school calendar, school will be closed from Monday 12th February 2024 for the Half- term Holiday. School will resume as normal on Monday 19th February.
The school office remains open from 07.30 am to 15.30 for that week.
Should you have any questions kindly call Ms Hanan in the school office.
Best wishes,
Admission Pre-application
Dear Parents,
We wish to inform you that admission for 2024-2025 is now open from 3 February. Please click on the link to complete the attached form with the documents requested uploaded. Children will then be listed for assessment for entry. We look forward to your response.
KG1 admission age from the MOE for the academic year 2024-25 is children born between: 01.09.2019 – 31.08.2020
Best Wishes,
Jan Brettingham
Ms Principal
Documents For MOE System Update
Kindergarten (KG1) Sports Day
Dear Kindergarten Parents,
We would like to invite you to the Kindergarten Sports Morning on Wednesday 31st January 08.15 -09.30 in the Infant playground. Please come along and support your children. After the sports event the children will have a normal morning in school.
Could I ask parents to leave the children with their teachers as usual and then you will be guided to the sports are? We will create a seating area for parents who need to wait. This allows staff to set up the playground and organise the children more easily. A reminder that parents may photograph their own children only, for safeguarding reasons. Do not photograph staff or other adults without their permission. These are the E safety protocols of the school. Thank you for your co-operation. The Kindergarten team look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.
If you have any questions on this kindly ask Ms Nicola Mackenzie Primary Deputy Headteacher or Ms Hanan in the school office.
Jan Brettingham
Grade 2 E Safety Presentation
Dear Grade 2 Parents,
We would like to invite you to the Grade 3 to join your child in the E Safety presentation on Wednesday January 31st 08.30-09.45. Parents enter and exit via Primary entrance. Use carpark in Primary enter through the Primary gate and our staff will direct you to the location. Please come along and support your children. After the presentation the children will have a normal morning in school.
A reminder that parents may photograph their own children only, for safeguarding reasons. Do not photograph staff or other adults without their permission. These are the E safety protocols of the school. Thank you for your co-operation.
The Grade 2 team look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.
If you have any questions on this kindly ask Ms Nicola Kelly Primary Headteacher or Ms Hanan in the school office.
Jan Brettingham
E – Safety Middle School
Dear Grade 6 & 7 Parents,
We would like to invite you to Middle School to join your child in the E Safety presentation on Thursday 1st February 08.30-09.45. Parents enter and exit via Middle School entrance please or main carpark in front of admin and our staff will direct you to the location. Please come along and support your children. After the presentation the children will have a normal morning in school.
A reminder that parents may photograph their own children only, for safeguarding reasons. Do not photograph staff or other adults without their permission. These are the E safety protocols of the school. Thank you for your co-operation.
The Middle School team look forward to seeing you on Thursday.
If you have any questions on this kindly ask Ms Nicola Kelly Middle School Headteacher or Ms Hanan in the school office.
Jan Brettingham
Reception (KG2) E Safety Presentation
Dear Reception (KG2) Parents,
We would like to invite you to the Grade Reception (KG2) to join your child in the E Safety presentation on Monday January 29thth 08.30-09.45. Parents enter and exit via usual door. Use carpark in Primary enter through the Primary gate and our staff will direct you to the location. Please come along and support your children. After the presentation the children will have a normal morning in school.
A reminder that parents may photograph their own children only, for safeguarding reasons. Do not photograph staff or other adults without their permission. These are the E safety protocols of the school. Thank you for your co-operation.
The Reception (KG2) team look forward to seeing you on Monday.
If you have any questions on this kindly ask Ms Nicola Mackenzie Primary Headteacher or Ms Hanan in the school office.
Jan Brettingham
Grade 3 E Safety Presentation
Dear Grade 3 Parents,
We would like to invite you to the Grade 3 to join your child in the E Safety presentation on Tuesday January 30th 08.30 – 09.45. Parents enter and exit via Primary entrance. Use carpark in Primary enter through the Primary gate and our staff will direct you to the location. Please come along and support your children. After the presentation the children will have a normal morning in school.
A reminder that parents may photograph their own children only, for safeguarding reasons. Do not photograph staff or other adults without their permission. These are the E safety protocols of the school. Thank you for your co-operation.
The Grade 3 team look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.
If you have any questions on this kindly ask Ms Nicola Kelly Primary Headteacher or Ms Hanan in the school office.
Jan Brettingham