Dear Parents,

As per the school calendar the examination period for G1- G10 will start on Monday 3rd June and finish Friday 14th June. School will finish for KG1 to G10 at 13.00 Monday to Thursday and Friday 11.45 am. If you wish to have your child in supervised study until 14.00 then inform us via the home school book or homework planner. If you have any questions please call the school office 09-2224001 and we will be pleased to help you.



Emirati Genome Project

Dear Parents,

We are notified that the Genome Project Team will come to school on Wednesday 29th May to collect samples from students whose parents have consented their child can participate. The project is designed to better understand the health and future care of Emirati citizens. The sample is a swab from the inside of the mouth and our nurse will be present for this. If however, you would like to attend while this is done, then telephone the school 092224001 or email Ms Hanan for an appointment and a time will be given.

Thanking you for your support for the Genome Project.


Jan Brettingham



Dear Parents,

I hope you are well. At the moment we are seeing a number of cases of seasonal ‘flu and colds. Students who have symptoms are seen by the nurses and then parents are called to collect them. For the safety of the school community, that is students, teachers, and support staff, we are reminding school families that until symptoms such as coughs, sneezing, headaches and/or fever have gone students need to remain at home.

Thanking you for your assistance in keeping the school healthy.

Best wishes,

Jan Brettingham



Dear Parents,

We have just received the directive to confirm learning is online Thursday and Friday. IGCSE English orals for Grade 11 will take place on Monday 6th May.

If you have any concerns please call Ms Hanan on the school mobile 050 4345358. To our families and staff stay safe.


Ms Jan

أولياء الأمور الكرام،

لقد تلقينا للتوّ تعليمات بأن الدراسة ستكون عن بُعدْ يومي الخميس 2 مايو والجمعة 3 مايو، فيما يتعلق امتحان اللغة الانجليزية في الشهادة البريطانية (IGCSE ) الشفوي لطلاب الصف الحادي عشر فسيكون يوم الاثنين الموافق 6 مايو. 

إذا كان لديكم أية استفسارات يمكن الاتصال بالسيدة/ حنان على رقم الهاتف النقال: 0504345358

 مع أطيب تمنياتنا لجميع عائلاتنا والموظفين بالبقاء في أمان وسلامه.


السيدة جان