PT Meeting – 30AA1

Dear Grade 6 Blue Parent,

Please find the appointments for Tuesday 28th January. If you are unable to attend, please call Ms Hanan in the office or if you require a translator before 11.00 am


Jan Brettingham Ms,


السادة/ أولياء أمور الصف السادس/ أزرق الكرام،

مرفق لسيادتكم جدول مواعيد لقاء أولياء الأمور والمعلمين يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 28 يناير، في حالة الرغبة في توفير مترجم أوعدم التمكن من الحضور يُرجَى الاتصال بالسيدة/ حنان بمكتب المدرسة قبل الساعة 11.00 صباحًا.

خالص تحياتي،

جان برتنجهام المديرة


Dear Parents,

We are organising two outdoor adventure trips in January. The usual overnight stay at the North Star camp led by Mr David the Vice Principal, assisted by male staff from FPA with the qualified instructors from North Star, on Friday 24th/Saturday 25th January. This is for boys from Grade 6, 7 and 8.

There is a day camp for the girls of G7-12 on Sunday 26th January, offering a variety of activities. This is a female only event with female instructors from NorthStar and led by Ms Lisa, Deputy Head Seniors and Ms Nicola Primary/Middle Executive Headteacher. Students have received a parent letter so please return this with payment by Monday 13th if your child wishes to participate. Kindly contact Ms Hanan in admin for further information.

Best wishes,

Ms Jan Brettingham,


Mock IGCSE examinations

Dear Grade 12 Parents,

The ‘mock’ GCE AS examinations start on Wednesday 8th January until Thursday 23rd January. Students were given the timetable last term. They are expected to be in school daily at 07.45 and may leave after their last examination with an exeat from Ms Lisa. If parents wish their child to remain in school to revise then students need to inform Ms Lisa. Supervision to 15.00 is available. On Tuesday 07th January students may take study leave with parental permission emailed to Ms Hanan on

Best wishes,

Ms Jan Brettingham

الاختبارات التجريبية  للشهادة البريطانية

أولياء أمور الصف الحادي عشر  الكرام،

ستبدأ الاختبارات التجريبية للشهادة البريطانية يوم الأربعاء الموافق 8 يناير  وتستمر إلى يوم الجمعة الموافق 24 يناير، لقد تم توزيع جدول الاختبارات على الطلاب في الفصل الدراسي الماضي، يُتَوَقّع حضور الطلاب يوميًا إلى المدرسة من الساعة 7.45 صباحًا، ويمكنهم الانصراف عقب الانتهاء من أداء الاختبارات، ستتولى الأستاذة/ ليزا مسؤولية إعطائهم إذن الانصراف.

إذا رغبتم ببقاء أبنائكم في المدرسة إلى الساعة 3.00 للمراجعة؛ يجب إخطار الأستاذة/ ليزا وسيتم ترتيب الإشراف عليهم، يُمكن للطلاب البقاء في البيت يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 7 يناير لمراجعة دروسهم، يُرجَى أن يتم إفادتنا بالموافقة علي غياب الطلاب يوم غدٍ من خلال البريد الالكتروني الخاص بالسيدة/ حنان:

أطيب تحياتي،

جان برتنجهام


Mock IGCSE examinations

Dear Grade 11 Parents

The ‘mock’ IGCSE examinations start on Wednesday 8th January until Friday 24th January. Students were given the timetable last term. They are expected to be in school daily at 07.45 and may leave after their last examination with an exeat from Ms Lisa. If parents wish their child to remain in school to revise then students need to inform Ms Lisa. Supervision to 15.00 is available. On Tuesday 07th January students may take study leave with parental permission emailed to Ms Hanan on

Best wishes,

Ms Jan Brettingham


Dear Parents,

May we welcome you back to school with our best wishes. Many of our community are returning from overseas travel and also large gatherings. We need your help please.

This is the time of year when we see a number of cases of seasonal ‘flu and colds. Students who have symptoms are seen by the nurses and then parents are called to collect them. For the safety of the school community, that is students, teachers, and support staff, we are reminding school families that until symptoms such as coughs, sneezing, headaches and/or fever have gone students need to remain at home.

Thanking you for your assistance in keeping the school a healthy place.

Best wishes,

Jan Brettingham Principal