PCR To enter the school on Monday 6 June

Dear Parents,

As you are aware school examinations for Grade 3 – 10 start on Monday June 6 and we really need your help to carry these out without disruption from covid cases in school. We now have many different entry dates and therefore testing dates for our students which is proving difficult for staff to manage. May I ask that a test this weekend for entry Monday 6th June for all students except KG Green who require one on Wednesday 8th June and Grade 1 Green require one for Tuesday 7th June. 

Grades 11 & 12 continue to test weekly for entry as do staff.

If your child is vaccinated ensure school has a record of this to the pcr@fpa.sch.ae

Thanking you for your kind assistance

Best wishes, Principal

Entry to school Monday 30th May

Dear Parents,

To enter school on Monday May 30th  students KG1-Grade 10 will require a negative PCR if they are unvaccinated and tests should be no older than 72 hours from the day they were taken. Vaccinated students require a PCR to enter on Monday 6th June with tests no older than 72 hours. However,  if your child has the results of a PCR taken within the last 7 days the next is required 14 days from that date for the vaccinated and 7 days for the unvaccinated. This regime will continue for the rest of this term. This our instruction from the Amiri Diwan.

Very important Grade 11 and 12 students, in order to protect the running of the GCSE and GCE AS level examinations from the UK must take a PCR weekly irrespective of vaccination status.

All staff continue to test weekly.

All covid protocol is in place and students will be in class isolation ‘bubbles.’ Senior students will be monitored distancing and mask wearing. Please ensure that any child who is not well is not sent to school. Again, thank you for your support. Any concerns please contact Ms Hanan in the school office.

May I also inform you that the examination and testing schedules for Primary, Middle School and Seniors are on your child’s seesaw account together with instructions from Section Heads. Please contact school if you require further information on these. The testing/examination period starts on Monday 6th June. The school day starts at the normal time but will finish at 13.30. Should you require your child to remain until 14.00 then supervision will be available and please ensure the Section Heads are informed you require this through Ms Hanan in the school office.

Best wishes,



Dear Parents,

I hope you are well. We would like to offer the opportunity of zoom meetings to discuss your child’s progress so far this year. Kindly telephone Ms Hanan if you would like to meet with us  and please inform of your availability.

We look forward to speaking with you.


Jan Brettingham Ms


Grade 11 Exams

Dear Parents, At this sad time, the school has been given special permission for Grade 11 students to take their IGCSE English Second Language examination on Monday 16th May. They need to arrive 15 minutes before the start of the examination at 11.40 and will leave immediately after completion. These papers are sent from Cambridge and there is no way to reschedule them. The next session would be in November 2022. For that reason, the Board are allowing for this to continue.

If you have any questions kindly call Ms Hanan on the school emergency mobile 050 1725781.

Yours sincerely,

Jan Brettingham Ms


Principal and School offer condolences

Dear Parents,

On behalf of the students, staff and Principal of Fujairah Private Academy may we offer our sincere condolences on the passing of Shaikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Abu Dhabi. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family, the Rulers of the Emirates, and the people of the UAE at this time. He will be remembered for his wise leadership and care for the people of this country, and we now mourn his loss with great sadness.

As a mark of respect, the school will be closed on Monday 16th May but open on Tuesday 17th May. The directive from the office of Presidential Affairs will be followed during the next forty days of the mourning period.

If you have any questions kindly call the school.

Yours sincerely,

Jan Brettingham Ms



Dear Parents, 
May we offer our sincere congratulations on the Occasion of Eid Al Fitr and inform you as per the directive that school will be closed Saturday 30th April and re-open as normal on Monday the 9th May. Please ensure all students come with a PCR for their return on the 9th. A reminder that all students in  Grade 11/12 taking GCSE/GCE examinations from the UK still must attend as per their examination timetable on Friday 6th May.

Eid Mubarak 

Regards, Principal

Return to school on Monday 25th April

Dear Parents,

To enter school, all students will require a negative PCR on Monday 25th April and tests should be no older than 72 hours from the day they were taken. This will be two weeks from first entry of vaccinated students who also need this. It would be helpful if the vaccination certificate could be downloaded if not already given. Students in Grade 7 and above should bring vaccination certificates with them if not already submitted. Primary and Middle School students ensure these are sent to pcr@fpa.sch.ae before Monday 25th. If your child has entered school on different dates from the above then a PCR is required 7 days from the first date of entry for the unvaccinated and 14 days for the vaccinated.

For entry after the Eid holiday all students irrespective of their vaccination status will require a PCR for Monday 9th May.

All covid protocol is in place and students will be in class isolation ‘bubbles.’ Senior students will be monitored distancing and mask wearing. Please ensure that any child who is not well is not sent to school. Any concerns please contact Ms Hanan in the school office.

Best wishes,


Return to school on Monday 18th April

Dear Parents,

To enter school, all students who are not vaccinated will require a negative PCR to enter on Monday 18th April and tests should be no older than 72 hours from the day they were taken. Students who are vaccinated will require to test to enter on Monday 25th April, but we must have evidence of this. It would be helpful if the vaccination certificate could be downloaded and given to students in Grade 7 and above to bring with them. Primary and Middle School students ensure these are sent to pcr@fpa.sch.ae before Monday 18th.

All covid protocol is in place and students will be in class isolation ‘bubbles.’ Senior students will be monitored distancing and mask wearing. Please ensure that any child who is not well is not sent to school. Any concerns please contact Ms Hanan in the school office.

Firstly, may I thank all parents who comply with the safe end of school collection procedures. However, we are asking for help in the Senior school carpark at the main gate that cars park first and then the students will be guided to their vehicles by us? This needs to be explained to family drivers as well. It is dangerous to let students into the traffic flow and stopping outside the main gate slows this down for all. There are five members of the faculty in including myself and my Deputy and our aim is to keep a safe environment for all. Do not send small children to collect their siblings for the same reason. Thanking you for your co-operation

 Best wishes,

Jan Brettingham Ms



Dear Parents,

Admissions for the academic year 2022-23 are now open and  a link has been sent to all mobiles numbers registered with us. In order to plan it would be most helpful if you could inform the Registrar, Ms Maryam on registrar@fpa.sch.ae or on her mobile 0501394865 of any students being transferred at the end of the academic year so that documents may be prepared and also staffing and resources adjusted.

Thanking you for your kind assistance.

Best wishes,

Jan Brettingham Ms


Sibling admissions

Dear Parents,

The school is now accepting pre-applications for siblings (brothers and sisters of current students) for admission in August 2022. Until 26 April this will be open to parents via the link below during this period there is priority. So you can commence the admission process we request you complete the online forms promptly. After that date it will be open to all.

Admission link for the Academic year 2022-2023 (siblings):


Admission age from the Ministry of Education for KG1 for the Academic year 2022-2023: 01.09.2017 to 31.08.2018

 Regards, Principal