Author: Principal
الزي المدرسي
أولياء الأمور الكرام،
يسرنا أن نرحب بكم في العام الدراسي الجديد.
نود إفادتكم أن الزي المدرسي متاح للطلب الالكتروني، يُرجَى ملاحظة أنه طلاب الصف الأول روضة إلى الصف الخامس يرتدون نفس الزي المدرسي، بالنسبة للصفين السادس والسابع (المرحلة المتوسطة) والمرحلتين الإعدادية والثانوية يجب تفصيل تنورة الطالبات وبنطلون المدرسة الرسمي للطلاب لدى الخياطين كما هو موضح بالصورة، كما يُمكن شراؤهما من محلات الملابس الكُبرى مثل ماركس اند سبنسر وغيرها، لقد أرفقنا صورة توضيحية، لقد كانت الأحذية مصدر قلق خلال العام الماضي، فيجب ارتداء الأحذية الرياضية في أيام حصص التربية الرياضية فقط؛ فيما عدا ذلك يجب ارتداء الأحذية المدرسية السوداء الرسمية، كما يجب أن تكون أحذية الطالبات بدون كعب مرتفع، نوضح مرة أخرى أنه تتوفر مجموعة متنوعة في متاجر دبي، الشارقة بالإضافة إلى مراكز الفجيرة التجارية.
يجب على الفتيات رفع الشعر إلى أعلى، وفي حالة ارتدائهم الشيلة يجب أن يتم إحكام ربطها وألا تتدلي لأسباب السلامة.
يُمنَع ارتداء المجوهرات منعًا باتًا، ويُسمح فقط بحلق صغير على الأذن، كما يُمنَع وضع مساحيق التجميل (المكياج) أو طلاء الأظافر.
مرفق لسيادتكم قائمة الزي المدرسي ونموذج طلب الزي المدرسي مع قائمة الأسعار الخاصة به، يُرجَى استكمال النموذج وارساله إلى البريد الالكتروني التالي:
ليتم اعداد المفردات المطلوبة، ثم الحصول عليها بعد ذلك من مكتب الأمن بالمدرسة.
إذا كان لديكم أية استفسارات يمكن الاتصال بمكتب المدرسة أو التواصل على البريد الالكتروني:
مع أطيب تمنيات فريق عمل المدرسة بعام دراسي جديد موفق 2024/2025
جان برتنجهام
Dear Parents,
Welcome to the new school year.
School uniform is available for online purchase. Kindly note Primary uniform extends to Grades KG1 to Grade 5. Middle School Grade 6 & 7 and Senior Section Grade 8-13. Grade 6-13 grey boys’ trousers and girls’ skirts need to be made at the tailors and these should be as diagram shows. They can also be purchased in Dubai at Marks and Spencer and other big clothing stores. Footwear was a concern last year. On PE days only, trainers may be worn, on other days black school shoes. Those without raised heels for girls. Again Dubai/Sharjah stores have a good selection of these, and they can be found in some of the Fujairah malls. Girls should have their hair tied back or put up and if shaylas are worn they need to be pinned and not hanging loose. This for safety reasons. Jewellery is not allowed but girls with pierced ears may wear one set of studs. Girls are not allowed to wear makeup or nail polish.
There is a uniform file attached and an order form with price list email this completed to and the order will be prepared for collection at security.
Should you have any concerns then please telephone the school office or email
With best wishes from our team for the academic year 2024-25
Jan Brettingham Ms .
Dear Parents,
Welcome to the new school year.
School uniform is available for online purchase. Kindly note Primary uniform extends to Grades KG1 to Grade 5. Middle School Grade 6 & 7 and Senior Section Grade 8-13. Grade 6-13 grey boys’ trousers and girls’ skirts need to be made at the tailors and these should be as diagram shows. They can also be purchased in Dubai at Marks and Spencer and other big clothing stores. Footwear was a concern last year. On PE days only, trainers may be worn, on other days black school shoes. Those without raised heels for girls. Again Dubai/Sharjah stores have a good selection of these, and they can be found in some of the Fujairah malls. Girls should have their hair tied back or put up and if shaylas are worn they need to be pinned and not hanging loose. This for safety reasons. Jewellery is not allowed but girls with pierced ears may wear one set of studs. Girls are not allowed to wear makeup or nail polish.
There is a uniform file attached and an order form with price list email this completed to and the order will be prepared for collection at security.
Should you have any concerns then please telephone the school office or email
With best wishes from our team for the academic year 2024-25
Jan Brettingham Ms .
Dear Parents,
Welcome to the new school year.
School uniform is available for online purchase. Kindly note Primary uniform extends to Grades KG1 to Grade 5. Middle School Grade 6 & 7 and Senior Section Grade 8-13. Grade 6-13 grey boys’ trousers and girls’ skirts need to be made at the tailors and these should be as diagram shows. They can also be purchased in Dubai at Marks and Spencer and other big clothing stores. Footwear was a concern last year. On PE days only, trainers may be worn, on other days black school shoes. Those without raised heels for girls. Again Dubai/Sharjah stores have a good selection of these, and they can be found in some of the Fujairah malls. Girls should have their hair tied back or put up and if shaylas are worn they need to be pinned and not hanging loose. This for safety reasons. Jewellery is not allowed but girls with pierced ears may wear one set of studs. Girls are not allowed to wear makeup or nail polish.
There is a uniform file attached and an order form with price list email this completed to and the order will be prepared for collection at security.
Should you have any concerns then please telephone the school office or email
With best wishes from our team for the academic year 2024-25
Jan Brettingham Ms .
FPA – UK & MOE Inspection Outcome
School Closure Friday 21st June
Dear Parents,
I hope you are well. We wish to inform you that school will be closed Friday morning 21st June to allow staff training. However normal schooling will resume on Monday 24th June 07.45-13.00 until Friday 28th June 07.45-11.45 the last day of term. School reports will be issued by email after the approval of the marks by the MOE. Best wishes, Principal.
Eid Al Adha
Dear Parents,
Eid Mubarak!
May we offer our congratulations on the Occasion of Eid Al Adha next week and the school will be closed Monday 17th June and Tuesday 18th June. Kindly note that the last day of term will be Friday 28th June at 11.50 as per the MOE approved calendar. Examinations are over but students are expected to attend classes until the last day, and we will teach as normal. School will continue to finish at 13.00 Monday- Thursday and 11.50 on Friday.
The Ministry of Education has instructed us that we are unable to issue reports until the mark sheets have been approved by them, however, the school will send them electronically as soon as that has been obtained.
Best wishes for a joyous celebration from the FPA community!
Jan Brettingham Ms
SMS: School Website
Dear Parents,
We are currently working on a new website and wish to include some video clips of the school at work. All students faces will be blurred before videos are posted on the website. The original memory cards will be securely held by the Principal and the camera person is an FPA staff member. We are not aiming to video individual students. If you want us to ensure that your child is not included even with blurring, please email Ms Hanan on to indicate this giving the full name of child and class. Thanking you for your assistance.
Jan Brettingham